Eporner Languages Update
Hey guys and girls!
We are proud to inform you that today we have updated all Eporner language versions of website. Over 80 new translated phrases and sentences have been added to our translations:
- Polish
- French
- Italian
- German
- Spanish
- Dutch
- Portuguese
Moreover we have speed up loading on all our language versions by 3-5 times thanks to new extended object cache mechanism. This affect both desktop and mobile versions of our website as these are fully responsive. Within next days we are preparing to automatically redirect all users based on their country and language to proper language version of Eporner. Of course you will be able to switch back to English version anytime by using flag icon at the upper right corner at desktop version and in the menu at mobile version.
If you will notice any bugs or glitches in our language versions please report them here in comments. If you have any feedback regarding language versions, please post it in comments here too!
Eporner Team