Geeks and nerd culture in our media

Everyone knows what a geek or a nerd is. We have all seen an example of a geek or a nerd in our media. Even people who do not know what a geek is can pick them out of a group of people. Slumped shoulders, greasy hair or a bad haircut, poor physique, and terrible fashion are all the major signs that the person you are looking at in real life or the media is a geek or a nerd.
Media in the 80s and 90s had a lot of roles dedicated to a geek or a nerd. But none of these roles were flattering. They were the butt of most jokes when they were in teen movies. Every high school student in the movie was afraid of ending up at the nerd’s table during lunch hour.
Even if the movie was about adults, the person who was written as an adult loser usually referenced their nerdy upbringing in high school. Even the most popular nerd or geek movie in the 80s, “Revenge of the Nerds” did not portray the main cast in a favorable light.
Until extremely recently, being a geek or a nerd was not seen as just another group of people to join in middle or high school.
Being a geek or a nerd was social suicide. Geeks and nerds had to find their own space in elementary school, middle school, and high school to have friends. Those who were born in the 2000s will never know the stigma of being a nerd or geek that kids in the 80s and 90s had to deal with.
But this attitude is now in the past. There is more acceptance of geeks in mainstream culture today than there ever has been. There are much more geek and nerd hobbies and genres in the adult film industry as well.
So why did our perception of geek culture change and how is that culture molding the adult film industry?
Why is nerd or geek culture so popular now?
Times have truly changed. Geeks and nerds and their culture are no longer shunned by the mainstream. Now, it's super cool to adopt many nerd or geek hobbies and interests because much of the subculture has now made its way into mainstream society.
One of the reasons why it is so common for geek and nerd interest to be everyone's interest now is that there is money to be made. As long as superheroes, comic books, and popular books are crafted the right way, there will be hundreds of millions of dollars to be made from merchandise, advertising, and syndication rights.
Marvel and Disney would have never tried to create an entire Marvel Cinematic Universe with over 15 movies and more on the way if there wasn't money to be made from digging stories, characters, and narratives out of comic books.
But these stories, once confined to fan art and the printed page, have become unbelievably popular in the mainstream. By pushing geek culture into the average home, these two companies have been able to generate billions of dollars worth of revenue.
The love of comic books is one of the most important aspects of being a geek or nerd. If you were to watch Spider-Man, the one with Tobey Maguire, you can see that jocks are bullying Peter Parker for being a geek and a photography nerd. This film was made in 2003. So the acceptance of geeks and nerds is a fairly recent cultural shift.
As we mentioned above, comic books were a major staple of the geek and nerd subculture. But now, comic books and comic book heroes are absolutely everywhere. Jocks and football players now dress up as Batman or Ironman for Halloween. Cheerleaders will dress as the Black Widow.
What about geek and nerd culture in the adult film industry?
Surprisingly, geeks and nerds did not get a lot of love in the adult film industry until recently, just like the mainstream media. I guess no one really likes geeks and nerds.
But things have been changing for the portrayal of Geeks and nerds in the adult film industry as well. If you were to type in nerd or geek into our search bar, you'll see a lot of videos where the nerd finally gets the girl.
Well, since this is an adult website, we should say that the geek or the nurse finally gets the lonely and horny housewife or the barely legal daughter of their boss.
However, one of the biggest ways that nerd and geek culture has made its way into the adult film industry is through the rise of parodies. Many adult films parody extremely popular media.
I guess everyone wants to see their favorite vampire, superhero, literary figure, or toy bend over and get screwed from behind.
There are so many different parodies available online for millions to view. And since so much nerd media has spread throughout the world, many parodies come from different countries and are filmed in native languages.
The rise of parodies
The porn industry has always been keen to create porn parodies of popular media. It is a great way to get new viewers who are looking to satisfy some of the more XXX-rated fantasies that they have about their favorite franchise.
People who have these outlandish fantasies will not ever tell any of their friends that they dream about an alien coming down from their planet to have sex with them for several hours.
But they will browse the internet for hours and hours on end looking for that special alien abduction parody video that they watch to pleasure themselves. This reason alone is why the adult film industry is pioneering adult film parodies. People want to see their favorite fictional character get it on with other fictional characters. And they will pay a pretty penny to see it happen.
But they will not watch if the costumes aren't accurate or the acting is completely terrible. Comic book lovers have standards when it comes to their pornography. But creating a high-quality adult film parody is doable and still profitable.
So what nerd or geek culture porn parodies are in the world of adult films?
There are a few popular franchises and genres that the adult film industry loves to parody. If you are on our site anytime a brand new nerd culture movie comes out, then you may have seen a few relevant videos appear on our trending page.
Most people like to see a porn video in the same genre as the movie they just saw. People who enjoy watching horror films will also enjoy watching horror adult videos. Those who like thrillers and movies that center around kidnapping or robbery will also want to see adult videos where a bunch of men rob a bank and then have sex with all the female tellers. It's just what the people are into.
When a new superhero, fantasy, or young adult film like the Hunger Games comes out on the big screen, many of our viewers will watch the movie and then flock to our red screens to see adult videos in that same genre.
Comic book porn parodies
With the rise of the Marvel cinematic universe and the DC universe comes the arrival of superhero porn parodies. Everyone wants to see a red-haired woman dressed in all-black leather get double teamed by a man with a hammer and a man in an iron suit.
But Disney and Marvel have an entire team of lawyers ready to hit them with any type of copyright vs. Parody lawsuit. But that doesn't stop the adult film industry from creating some really good off-brand outfits and having their adult actors and actresses save the world before engaging in a massive orgy.
The Lord of the Rings parodies
The world of Middle-earth and the many works of Tolkien have always been firmly placed in the very center of the geek and nerd culture. It is a high fantasy world where elves, tree people, small beings called Hobbits, and Wizards join together to battle deadly orcs and other nefarious creatures in the fight for the survival of Middle Earth.
There have been many people who get all dressed up as different characters from The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion and travel to conventions where they meet with other Tolkien fans and they have been doing so since the 60s.
When Lord of the Rings first appeared, you can bet your ass there were tons of extremely low-budget porn films parodying the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
For example, there were a few adult films about one or two or maybe even 10 gentle elven maidens who take off their clothes and pleasure each other until they were rudely interrupted by small hairy men that play the part of dwarves. Sometimes, poorly dressed orcs will kidnap elves and have their way with them.
Star Wars
The Star Wars franchise and storyline is one of the most popular subjects in all of nerd culture. The love of Star Wars has spread throughout the entire globe and there are entire websites dedicated to Star Wars in nearly every major language on Earth.
So it is only natural that the adult film industry has made dozens of copyright-friendly low-budget Star Wars adult films. You could say that the rise of porn parodies would not have been as big if Star Wars, along with Star Trek, had never happened.
Millions of teenage boys drooled over the sight of Princess Leia in her golden bikini. The adult film industry loves to use that outfit in nearly all Star Wars adult parodies.
And let us not forget all of the sexy creatures that are in the Star Wars Universe. Aliens with long tendrils, different color skin, including gray, pink, purple, and blue, and beings with four or more arms. And that is only a handful of the aliens that are in the Star Wars Universe.
Some people have very eccentric tastes and would rather have sex with some of the aliens that are not so human-looking. But hey, whatever floats their boat! We just hope they don't catch any galactic STDs! We're not sure if antibiotics can help them in that situation.
Vampires porn parodies
Every time there is a new trend in our media, the adult film industry gladly films parodies of these trends to appeal to their adult audience . Since Marvel and Disney, as well as the DC company, are creating more and more superhero movies every day, the adult film industry has a lot of material to parody. One of the original parodies in the entire adult film world is Superman movies.
For example, between 2000 and 2009 there was a massive cultural movement around vampires. Everywhere a media consumer looked, vampire-based media was there. On every cable channel, there was at least one show about vampires.
If you were to go to the movies Twilight dominated the film industry for more than 7 years. Even Showtime and HBO had vampire shows.
So when the rise of vampires hit the media, the adult film industry gladly went along with the trend.
During the same time as Twilight and True Blood, the adult film industry created countless low-budget vampire parodies. But this was not the first time the adult film industry has created Vampire parodies.
There have always been vampires in our culture; from Nosferatu to Vlad the Impaler, to the almighty Dracula. So adult film industries in the 70s developed quite a few vampire adult films. Of course, one could only purchase these vampire adult films at adult bookstores.
But with the rise of the internet, anyone with an internet connection can watch a gangbang of the naughtiest and sexist vampires. Most adult films containing vampires have a fairly typical plot.
The vampires capture a human, usually a woman, and then vigorously screw her until she is screaming with pleasure. Then they turn the human woman into a vampire and then they all have sex with her all over again.
Then an orgy occurs and they all feast on each other's blood. Then sex continues until the sun rises. If you have ever wondered, the blood used in adult Vampire films is not blood at all. It is fake blood that is used in movies and television.
We say that because some people don't understand that the adult film industry is an entertainment industry. They're not going to cut open their adult actors and actresses.