Sex robots - a great future or just deviation?
As the world continues to advance as we invent more and more technology that is centered around our bodies and minds, we must think about the future of sex robots. How is it going to affect our relationships with our fellow human beings? Is it safe and responsible to have sex with a robot? It seems as though these questions need to be answered sooner than later, as the robot sex industry is currently undergoing a massive rise in popularity.
How it can influence our sexuality
One major way sex robots can influence the sex lives of both men and women is to help us embrace our sexualities and explore new avenues. You can choose to perform new sexual acts that you never tried with anyone out with your sex robot because you'll know that there is no obligation to keep doing the activity if you realize you do not like it. Plus, the pressure to find a person for the night would not be so strong because now men and women have access to a participant who is willing to go at any time.
People may also rely on sex robots because they do not feel the same pressure that they do when they have sex with a human. When you are with someone, you fear being judged and having your requests or needs neglected or laughed at. Unfortunately, if you bring someone into your house and they are a terrible person, you could be severely hurt during sex. But this would never happen with a sex robot. You are free to do whatever you like to your robot as long as you don't break or damage it. Plus, you'll never face any danger with your sex robot, which is a significant concern for women worldwide.
A 3rd reason to use a sex robot is to liven up your couple's bed. No matter how long you been married or with your significant other, there will come a time when the sex dolls in your relationship. While many people don't like the idea of a threesome, there is no one to compete with when you have a sex robot in your bed. Plus, it is safer than being a stranger into your bedroom and into your home. You could add the sex robot into a sexual fantasy or have them play as a captive while you or your significant other poses as the kidnapper, and you're there to save them.
Possible uses in the future
As addiction is understood more readily, perhaps sex robots can be a proper alternative therapy to nymphomaniacs and those addicted to porn and sex. They would be to take out their sexual frustrations with these dolls without harming anyone in the process.
When it comes to any type of matter concerning sex, the disabled and handicapped are left out of the conversation completely. However, sex robots can be a positive sexual aid to those who are often neglected in the dating pool. They would be able to express the sexually without judgment like many other humans wish to do. A sex robot will also keep them safe and away from predatory people who wish to take advantage of their handicaps in order to manipulate them. Although I'm sure that disabled people would like a flesh-and-blood partner to live their life with, their sexuality is one aspect of their life that sex robots can fill.
Like all things, sex robots can be addicting
With the sex robot industry in its beginning stage, medical workers and psychologists are beginning to see a trend of addiction to these silicone droids. Those who are the games that get addicted say that they are part of their sex life, and the dolls make them more confident around human women. Many psychologists note that those who own sex dolls are using them as stand-ins or replacements for actual human contact. In fact, those who use sex robots go as far as no longer contacting human women. People who were once interested in human women are no longer pursuing any dating or sex life outside of their apartment or home.
While having sex only with a sex robot may be gratifying for a time, human beings need to be with other humans. They will experience depression, suicidal thoughts, negative self-talk, and negative self-image if they stay away from others for too long.
What does the future hold?
As we said above, we are only in the early stages of sex robots. The next wave of sex robots will be more intelligent, can carry on conversations, and will be able to move on their own during sex. What will this do to the dating world? Sure the stigma and shame of using a sex robot will still be prevalent in society, but how will it be able to fight off an always willing sexual participant who can go at a moment's notice while having no restrictions or needs of their own. Plus, many of these sex robots can vibrate? Sex robots may not bode well for humanity's future of sex.
If too many people become reliant upon sex robots, the population of the world could fall. Depending on if you are an environmentalist or a capitalist, this news could be good or bad. Fewer people could mean that the economy shrinks, and there could be a dip in tax dollars to fund public services, but there would also be fewer people that need public services in the first place. Plus, fewer people will mean that there are more resources for everyone, and general demand will not be as high.
Want to find out more? Check this out!
The future of human sexuality and sex robots is coming fast, and there's no way to stop it. Many experts have said that sex robots are the One tech disruption that nobody saw coming. But, let us not panic. Like all things, if you use it healthily and positively, then it should be no problem. But if you use a sex robot as a bandaid to cover up a wound in your soul, then you should know that nothing good will come.