Pornstars problems....

In 2011, an elementary school in Compton accidentally, or purposely, invited a former adult actress to read books to their first and third graders. The program was a part of both the program Read Across America and the district’s Guest Reading Program.
When the parents found out what had happened, they were outraged and filed complaints against the district. But was this the only incident in which an adult star was invited to a place they should not have been?! There are many stories of adult entertainers.
Adult entertainment stories from around the globe
Adult actresses can’t even go to baseball games anymore
There’s nothing more American than going to a baseball game. Hot Dogs, beer, peanuts, and yelling when the umpire declares a shitty ruling is just the American way.
Also, fans should be able to take a joke and brush off any stupid insults. Half of sports games are just watching the attendees yell at players. Some attendees will even fight each other.
So why in the world was Paige Spiranac sent death threats when she made a light joke about the fans of the San Diego Padres? The Padres were experiencing an influx of new fans thanks to their winning streak. But Paige pointed out that no one went to their games when they sucked. That was the entire joke.
Hundreds and hundreds of Padre fans convened on her Twitter page and sent her insult after insult. They called her a washed-up pornstar, a horror, and like it’s under her death threats. They kept inviting her to different cities so they could stab her.
Sounds like the Padres have a lot of stable and wonderful fans. She went on her Twitter account later that day to apologize. But we don’t think she should have apologized. Whoever sent her a death threat or called her an insult is just a foolish person. If you’re mad if someone insulted your team, get into a fistfight like a regular person. Don’t hide behind your phone and the internet.
Conservatives don’t like to be associated with porn stars! That’s so weird!
Pornstar Brandi Love was invited to Turning Point USA and then denied attendance
The Trump presidency changed America in a lot of ways. The first one that changed the country is that trumps terrible rhetoric and bigoted speech emboldened racists to speak their mind wherever they were. There was a definite rise in racist tirades, confrontations, and assaults.
Another way Trump changes the country is by forcing young people to become more political. A conservative group called Turning Point USA, became more and more popular during Trump’s presidency.
They aim the entire organization at young people 18 to 35. They use social media to spread conservatism and Trumpism. Well, Turning Point USA organized a convention in 2021 and invited many people to appear and give speeches.
In their infinite wisdom, the organizers of Turning Point USA invited an adult entertainer that is very open about her conservative views on Twitter. The adult actress’ name is Brandi Love.
They gave Brandi Love VIP access to the entire convention and welcomed her with open arms. On the day of the event, Brandi tweeted on her private Twitter account. It’s good to be around so many young conservatives. Gives me some hope!
Initially, she was allowed and welcome to stay all five days of the convention which would run from Saturday to Tuesday.
Within the first couple hours of being at the convention, Brandi Love was then asked to leave. However, it was not because attendees were complaining about being at a convention with a pornstar. Instead, Turning Point USA has policy not to integrate organization with adult content, pornographic content or sexually explicit content.
When social media found out that Brandi Love was at the Turning Point USA convention, a lot of conservatives and Republicans began to complain on turning point USA social media pages. They were absolutely disgusted that the organization wanted her to be there.
Later on in the evening, Miss Brandi Love tweeted out a picture of an email stating that she was no longer invited to the event and her VIP access was revoked.
ISIS had a deep and intense hatred for Mia Khalifa
2014, Mia Khalifa rocked the Muslim world and the pornographic world for appearing in a porn film while wearing a hijab. This young woman received so many death threats and hateful messages that she developed anxiety and feared for her safety on a daily basis.
When she first entered the adult film industry, the director and the producer forced her to wear the hijab. She never wanted to in the first place, and she even told the director that he was going to get her killed.
But of course, he did not care because he was not the one who would receive all the backlash, death threats, stalking, and worldwide hate. He was simply a man behind the camera.
As Mia Khalifa predicted, the hateful rhetoric and messages she received told her that she was a dog, she was ashamed of her parents, that she should be beheaded, with the other terrible messages.
She was even sent a video in which a picture of her head was photoshopped onto another person's body. The video was from an Isis member and the person's body that she was photoshopped onto was beheaded. Her haters even went as far as to publish her address on Google and provide pictures of the address as landmarks for anyone to find.
2018, 4 years after the incident, she has continued to receive death threats from Isis. But now she is used to them, and they don’t really bother her.
In an interview, he said that even though many people in the Middle East hate her, they also searched her on pornographic websites when they need to masturbate.
So, the same men that are sending her death threats for being a porn star are also the same men who are watching her in the porn videos and enjoying it.
Amazingly captivating yet equally informative with no fucks given. The necessary; truth. Respect to CLDX journalist team. Especially editors (I need one)!
Pornstars can go to baseball games, they just can't get on Twitter and say that Padres fans suck for not being at games when the team sucked and now deciding it would be fun to go to a game now that they are fun to watch. Paige Spiranac is not a pornstar or ever been in a porno movie unless I missed something. How many pornstars can read books? 50-58%, maybe a little more these days??? Muslim porn sucks, name one country that's a majority muslim and makes good porn??? Yemen used too I think, in the 80's.
still, Mia Khalifa can not enter the middle east but they are the most consumer of her videos. Lol