There's no such thing as a "gay gene" - and other harmful queer myths

Gay people and other types of queer people in the queer community have been around as long as human beings have existed. For most of human existence, we have lived in small tribes of 200 people or fewer.
Many scientists and anthropologists believe queer people exist because it takes a variety of people in order to help a tribe survive in the wilderness.
So, if gay people have been around as long as humans have been around, then gay people are not a new trend. There is no evil LGBT programming being shut down by innocent young kids in order to turn them gay.
And there is no special section of human DNA that holds the gay gene. But that didn't stop people from trying to find the genes that control person sexuality.
It's about time we get rid of the myth of the gay gene and many other myths that hurt people in the queer community.
Where did the gay gene theory come from?
Geneticists, as well as anthropologists and sociologists, understand that genetics determine our sexuality just like they determine our hair color, our height, the diseases we are likely to develop, and every other characteristic of our body inside and out. So, they can determine if there is a genome that makes people more likely to be gay. But they also believe that there is a street team that makes people more likely to be straight.
Genetics determine many things about us. It was just up to science and geneticists, and it might be a good idea to find the genes that determine a person's sexuality or at least influence them. However, many people want to find the gay gene for far more nefarious reasons. They want you to science to push their agenda and they're anti-LGBT viewpoint. They are people out there who want to find the gays in so they can learn how to turn it off.
Luckily, there is nothing in our genome or human DNA sequence that defensively says if a person is going to be gay or straight. I guess they'll just have to be tolerant and accept everyone for who they are. That seems like the best course of action.
The Landmark study
I'm sure that scientists who have less than acceptable scientific intentions will debate the existence of the gay gene for the next few decades. But if you hear a foolish conversation like this pop up, then it's important that you know about the landmark study, which proves once and for all there is no definitive gay gene.
In 2017, a multi-year massive study of over 500,000 human genomes finally came to a close.
The study determined that there are definitely smarter than the human genomes that effective sexuality.
If you may or may not know, the more people in a study, the more it can be applied to the general public. A study of 100 human genomes definitely would not be as effective and could not be applied to the general population. But this study had over 500,000 human genomes. So it has far more variations, patterns, and outliers that can be applied to the human population.
Ultimately, the study found that 25% of the human genome can be attributed to a person's sexuality. But there's no way that someone can look at a person's genome and say if they are gay or straight.
If there is a gay gene, then does that mean they are searching for a straight Gene as well?
More than a few decades ago, scientists were only looking for the gay gene. They considered all genomes to be naturally straight. Sny person who is gay obviously had wide variations in their genomes. But scientists now know that human sexuality is determined by a different number of factors. Genetics is one of those factors. But geneticists cannot look at a human genome and predict if they are gay or straight.
Beyond DNA, has come up with order, or this month, and a number of other factors can determine if a child will become gay, straight, bisexual, or something else.
Other myths and misconceptions about gay people
The gay gene is not the only the way that a heteronormative society has tried to delegitimize gay people and force them into an ever-shrinking corner of sexuality. There are numerous myths that have been attributed to gay and Queer people that need to be rectified. We should never forget how these myths came to and how they were used to dehumanize gay people. Now we need to openly recognize that they are wrong. Here are just some of the myths that are still narratives in our society today.
What is the difference between being gay and being queer?
Many people who don't know much about the lgbtq community use gay and Queer as if they are interchangeable. However, both of these terms are different from one another and should not be used interchangeably. We can provide a quick definition of both gay and queer and how each one is different than the other.
Someone who is gay is a cisgender person who is attracted to someone who is cisgender and also their same gender. Cisgender means a person identifies with the gender of the sex they were assigned at Birth.
Someone who has breasts, a uterus, ovaries, female hormones, female DNA, vagina, vulva, and a clitoris and also identifies as a girl is cisgender. If they identified as a boy even though they had all of the physical body parts, then they would not be cisgender.
So, someone who was assigned female at Birth and is also a girl is gay if they are romantically and sexually attracted to someone who also has all the female body parts and also identifies as a girl.
The term clear has a lot of connotations and some people do not like the word. As you may know, clear was often used by straight cisgender people as a slur. Some people feel that it is the same as the homophobic slur that begins with an f.
However, other people use the word queer to help identify communities. Queer or queerness incorporates several different communities. It can incorporate the trans community, the gay community, the bisexual community, and the two spirit or nonbinary Community. Many people use clear as an umbrella term like they would the acronym LGBTQIA.
So, someone who is gay is a part of the queer Community, but someone who is clear does not mean they are gay.
Think of it this way; someone who is Thai comes from the continent of Asia. But someone from the continent of Asia does not necessarily come from Thailand. They can come from Japan, Myanmar, Cambodia, China, or any of the other Asian countries.
People turn gay when they are molested
The belief that a gay person becomes gay when they are sexually violated is one of the most toxic and harmful narratives that our society still perpetuates.
After multiple Studies have been conducted, there is no evidence whatsoever that proves children become gay if they are sexually abused or molested. There's not even any evidence that correlates abuse and becoming a member of the gay community. Even if a child is molested when she is beginning to go through the state for stages of puberty, there is still no effect. Unfortunately, they will have sexual Hang-Ups and issues that must be resolved with deep therapy.
They can choose to be gay or choose to be straight
But let's consider a different view. Perhaps this narrative was developed because they were some anti-homosexual bisexual people who created these Miss. As you know, bisexual people are attracted to both men and women.
A bisexual man can have sexual or romantic feelings with a man or a woman. Since they grew up in a society where a man being with a man is looked down upon, they pursue women instead. In this regard, they may feel like they chose to be with a woman.
There's no surprise to many people when the most adamant and vicious of anti-lgbt activists turn out to be queer in some way. That would make sense that bisexual people who opposed heteronormative values and thinking view you their sexuality as choosing a path.
Now we are by no means saying that bisexual people are the reason why this myth exists. Bisexual people have their Owen terrible Miss and toxic narratives that they have to battle against every day. What they are trying to say if that this may a reason why people believe being gay is a choice.
Another line of thinking that helps form the being gay is a choice argument is the belief that being gay is a sin. Much of the anti queer and LGBT rhetoric is based in religious doctrine. Many of the largest religions have passages in their holy books stating that homosexuality and homosexual relations between two things six people is a sin and an affront to God's natural design.
Exposure to gay people or gay culture will turn straight children gay.
Every time something new and amazing comes out, conservative Christians scream at the top of their lungs that the devil is digging its claws deeper and deeper into the fabric of America. I don't know if you're old enough to remember the Dungeons & Dragons satanic Panic. but if you remember, then you know Christians been using fear for quite some time. At this point, it would be easier and shorter to write a list of things that Christians have not called works of the devil.
Pokemon? Work of the devil.
Rock and roll? Music of the devil
Pokemon cards, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, magic the Gathering cards? Parents might as well hand their children a pack of devil cards.
Well, now the devil can take a break from influencing so many fun children's activities because there is a new type of panic that strikes fear into the heart of Christians. It's called the gay panic and apparently Disney, Nickelodeon, CRT, SpongeBob, and drag queens are all in on it.
The media is conspiring to turn every single straight child gay and they're going to use the power of cartoons, playing cards, gender-neutral commercials, and fun toys in order to do it.
And the devil will also use the most devious of all man-made creations, the television. When gay couples are on screen, Christians must dive in front of their children's eyes and keep them from watching same-sex kissing scenes. If their child sees even a glimpse of a scene of two men or two women kissing, they'll never be able to go back to being 100% fully straight ever again.
Those living in the land of reality know that this is completely stupid. It is our genetics, as well as several different factors, which influence all romantic and sexual attractions. No amounts of media can turn a straight child gay.
In addition to this, it's interesting how the logic does not work in reverse. Christians say that watching two gay people kiss with turn their straight child gay. But if that is true, then why can't you sit the straight child down in front of the television and make them watch dozens of heterosexual kissing scenes to turn them into straight again? But their logic is not based on reason. It is based on fear, the fear of the devil.
So, there is no definitive gauging that proves if a child is going to be gay or straight. Also, queer and gay are their own separate words, children cannot become gay from watching gay couples kiss, and no one can choose to be gay or straight. Bisexuals cannot choose to stop liking one gender if they are dating someone of a different gender. Hopefully, all of these terrible and harmful myths will fade away as the LGBT community gains acceptance in societies and countries.
Does it really matter where our desires for anyone same sex or opposite sex, nm! All I am saying is that so many people try to understand the reasons that causes everything instead of just listening to those butterflies in your belly, or in my case, throbbbbbs elsewhere and simply follow our instinct. When its time to fuck, its not time for philosophy, Besides, us girls do our best thinking in the middle of multiple orgasms
so what you're saying is homosexuality is a choice?
All true, except the bit about Disney. When a children's TV company is suddenly concerned about portraying sexuality in shows, it's going too far... They aren't wanting to make 10% of the characters gay, they're wanting to make half of them gay. Over-representation is why people are suspicious.