Author: Leon


Coronavirus May Update

Hi guys and girls! We hope that you are doing well during pandemic time! Here at Eporner we are seeing increased traffic spikes from countries affected by COVID-19 epidemic. Please do not worry, we have already prepared our infrastructure to handle the increased traffic during this time. Look at the following charts: As you can see, traffic in Italy...


New FAQ section

Hello again girls and guys! Here at Eporner, every day we are receiving from you dozens of emails with different questions. How to upload materials ? Why my photo or video has been removed ? How can I register ? How can I report inappropriate video ? And many many more. Today answering your needs, we have introduced Frequently...


Recent changes on Eporner

Hi guys and girls! During recent days we have introduced few improvements on our website. Here's a quick list of changes: Font sizes We have unified the fonts and their sizes used on Eporner. As a result, they should be uniform on all devices and easier to read. Colors and contrast ratio We have tuned the colors of some...


Eporner Languages Update

Hey guys and girls! We are proud to inform you that today we have updated all Eporner language versions of website. Over 80 new translated phrases and sentences have been added to our translations: Polish French Italian German Spanish Dutch Portuguese Moreover we have speed up loading on all our language versions by 3-5 times thanks to new extended...


How to deal with a LOT of traffic - Eporner Case Study

Here at Eporner we are serving about 500M pageviews each month. During high hours our infrastructure serves over 8.500 page requests per second and this NOT include static content like graphics and videos. Moreover we are always prepared to handle at least 3x the peak traffic. How we are achieving this ? Infrastructure Other websites are using ready to...